
Wisdom-newsletter-personal injury (Issue-54)

Crafting a Robust Defence in Personal Injury Cases: Key Steps for Raising Contributory Negligence and Challenging The Plaintiff’s Credibility Regarding Loss of Income

Wisdom-newsletter-personal injury (Issue-53)

Outbreak of acute illness/disease during course of employment

Wisdom-newsletter-personal injury (Issue-52)

Revisiting the Plaintiff’s discovery duty under Pre-Action Protocol in Practice Direction 18.1 by the Court

Wisdom-newsletter-commercial litigation (Issue-51)

New law taking effect soon: Reciprocal Enforcement of Civil and Commercial Judgments between Hong Kong and Mainland China

Wisdom-newsletter-arbitration (Issue-50)

Conflicting Decisions on Arbitrable Cross-Claims in Hong Kong

Re Shandong Chenming Paper Holdings Ltd, HCCW 175/2017, [2023] HKCFI 2065

Before Hon Harris J in Chambers

Date of Decision: 10 August 2023

Wisdom-newsletter-arbitration (Issue-49)

Issues between exclusive jurisdiction clause and insolvency proceedings in Hong Kong Courts settled

Guy Kwok-Hung Lam v Tor Asia Credit Master Fund LP [2023] HKCFA 9

Effect of an exclusive jurisdiction clause (“EJC”) on bankruptcy proceedings – Where a creditor’s bankruptcy petition is presented in Hong Kong, should it be allowed to proceed if the petition debt, which the debtor disputes, arises from an agreement which contains an EJC in favour of a foreign court? Does the same apply to an arbitration clause?

Hong Kong Maritime Arbitration Group (HKMAG) Committee

It is our pleasure that Sam Tsui was elected as the Secretary and Chairman of Events Sub-Committee of the Hong Kong Maritime Arbitration Group (HKMAG) Committee

Wisdom-newsletter-arbitration (Issue-48)

Fresh Arbitration Salad in Hong Kong

Hong Kong is a very arbitration friendly jurisdiction. Despite the high degree of autonomy given by the courts to the contracting parties to govern their dispute resolution process, the courts in Hong Kong still maintain a supervisory role.

This newsletter selected and summarized four decisions of the Court of First Instance pertaining to arbitrations handed down in the first quarter of 2023. The decisions reminded the contracting parties the court approach in exercising supervising power to arbitrations in different stages of arbitration.

Wisdom-newsletter-arbitration (Issue 47)

Court of Appeal decided on the conundrum of exclusive jurisdiction clauses in insolvency proceedings

Re: GUY KWOK-HUNG LAM ( 林國雄) (Debtor) and Tor Asia Credit Master Fund LP (Petitioner (Creditor)), CACV 393/2021, [2022] HKCA 1297

Before Hon Barma, G Lam and Chow JJA in Court

Date of Judgment: 30 August 2022

Wisdom-Newsletter-Personal-Injury (Issue 46) Dishonest plaintiff with an ulterior motive! Lee v. Secretary of Justice sued for and on behalf of Director of Highways [2022] HKCFI 1569; HCPI 129/2019, Hon Au-Yeung J in Court, 27 May 2022 Wisdom-Newsletter-Personal-Injury (Issue 45) Price of exaggerating injuries? Plaintiffs exaggerating their extent of injuries with a view to seek increased damages are no stranger to personal injuries action. But what can be the price of exaggeration? Wisdom-Newsletter-Arbitration (Issue 44) Re HongKong Bai Yuan International Business Co., Ltd [2022] HKCFI 960 HCCW 219/2021, Hon Linda Chan J in Court, 1 April 2022 Wisdom-Newsletter-Shipping (Issue 43) Default Judgment Under in Rem Proceedings: Is Your Claim Well Founded? Itiro Corporation BVI v The Owner and/or Demised Charterers of The Ship or Vessel “ANGELIC GLORY [2021] HKCA 1865 Wisdom-Newsletter-Arbitration (Issue 42) Silence is not always golden Z v R [2021] HKCFI 2312 HCCT 11/2021, Hon Mimmie Chan J in Chambers, 9 August 2021 Wisdom-Newsletter-Personal-Injury (Issue 41) Prejudice – To Be More Specific! Momin Lok v Hospital Authority [2021] HKCA 1075 CACV 236/2020, Hon Barma, Au and G Lam JJA in Court, 26 July 2021 Wisdom-Newsletter-Personal-Injury (Issue 40) Costly Silence Chu Gregory v Yick Ngai Logistics (HK) Company Limited [2021] HKDC 463 DCPI 110/2020, Master Matthew Leung in Chambers, 30 April 2021 Wisdom Newsletter-Arbitration (Issue 39) Beware of Getting Off on the Wrong Foot In the matter of the Arbitration Ordinance, Cap 609 and In the matter of an Arbitration between: AB v CD, HCCT 27/2020, Hon Mimmie Chan J in Chambers, 4 February 2021 Wisdom-Newsletter (Issue 38) PRACTICE WITH CAUTION Law Chung Tai v. Sun Profit Logistics (HK) Limited and anr., DCEC No. 606 of 2019, H.H. Judge Levy, 15th July 2020. Wisdom Newsletter – Shipping (Issue 37) Anti-Suit Injunction: Is multiplicity of proceedings necessarily unconscionable? Plain Sail Holdings Ltd v Lau Wing Yan [2020] HKCFI 653 Wisdom Newsletter – Personal Injury (Issue 36) DOUBLE EDGED SWORD In the matter of an EC Application between Hui Po Chi v. Trade Travel (Hong Kong) Limited, DCEC No. 406 of 2017, H.H. Judge Levy, 9th September 2020. Wisdom Newsletter – Shipping (Issue 35) AN ARBITRATION AGREEMENT IS NOT AN UNBREAKABLE SHIELD IN WINDING-UP PROCEEDINGS Dayang (HK) Marine Shipping Co., Ltd v. Asia Master Logistics Ltd, HCCW 14/2019, [2020] HKCFI 311, Deputy High Court Judge William Wong SC in Court, 12 March 2020. Wisdom Newsletter – Personal Injury (Issue 34) Who is more powerful? Wong Chun Wah v. Chau Kwei Yin, Chow Yat Kuen, Employees Compensation Assistance Fund Board, FACV No. 6 of 2019, Chief Justice Ma, Mr. Justice Ribeiro PJ, Mr. Justice Fok PJ, Mr. Justice Stock NPJ and Madam Justice McLachlin NPJ, 20th December 2019. Wisdom-Newsletter-Shipping (Issue 33) Bright Shipping Limited (P) v Changhong Group (HK) Limited (D) [2019] HKCA 1062, CACV No. 102 of 2019 Wisdom Newsletter – Insurance (Issue 32) Wisdom Newsletter – Personal Injury (Issue 31) Wisdom Newsletter – Personal Injury (15th March, 2019) Wisdom Newsletter – Personal Injury (3rd October, 2018) Wisdom Newsletter – Arbitration Wisdom Newsletter (Issue 27) (PDF format) Wisdom Newsletter (Issue 26) (PDF format) Wisdom Newsletter (Issue 25) (PDF format) Wisdom Newsletter (Issue 24) (PDF format) Wisdom Newsletter (Issue 23) (PDF format) Wisdom Newsletter (Issue 22) (PDF format) Wisdom Newsletter (Issue 21) (PDF format) Wisdom Newsletter (Issue 20) (PDF format) Wisdom Newsletter (Issue 19) (PDF format) Wisdom Newsletter (Issue 18) (PDF format) Wisdom Newsletter (Issue 17) (PDF format) Wisdom Newsletter (Issue 16) (PDF format) Wisdom Newsletter (Issue 15) (PDF format) Wisdom Newsletter (Issue 14) (PDF format) Wisdom Newsletter (Issue 13) (MS Word) Wisdom Newsletter (Issue 12) (MS Word) Wisdom Newsletter (Issue 11) (MS Word) Wisdom Newsletter (Issue 10) (MS Word)